Obtaining IP addressEven such perfect operating shell as Android, may fail to work. In the present essay we will consider the problem of "obtaining IP address" in Android when connecting to Wi-Fi.


The problem solving

Let us describe the main reasons of the problem and methods of its solving.

Software failures

The first possible reason for such trouble is a software error on the gadget. To solve this problem it is necessary to restart the gadget or restore it to the factory settings. This is done from the "Restoration and reset" menu which can be reached through the "Settings". To reset it is necessary to confirmed the operation.


Also to correct the problem you can try to download the Wi-Fi Fixer utility, following the link. After it is downloaded and installed, it is necessary to restart the mobile device, launch the utility and go to the «Known»


tab, then to try again to connect to the desired router (available connection will be highlighted in green). According to the comments of the people who used this application, it is very effective in solving this kind of problems.

Adjustment of IP address

The second reason, when the Internet is not connected consists in IP-address itself. To solve this problem it is necessary to include a radio module. Then go to the connection settings and delete it


Then select the desired connection point again, by clicking the «Additional»


additional parameters will appear. Next you need to click «user-end» near the «Ipv4 settings » point. Enter a values in the table in the following order:

  1. Enter any value from 100 in the IP address line.
  2. Please enter the router address in the "gateway" line. To find out it, please open the "Start" on the left side, enter CMD in the search box, then enter «Ipconfig» in the command line. There will be the router address among the great number of characters. The operation shall be performed with admin permission.
  3. No changes shall be made in the "prefix" line.
  4. Please enter the values given by the providers in the DNS1 line.
  5. No changes shall be made in the DNS2 line.

Changes of settings of devices and services

The next method of correction of the ІР address obtaining problem when connecting toWi-FionАndroid,is a special button on the routeror in its control menu. If you perform the operation using the device control menu, you should enter into it (in devices from different manufacturers it is done in different ways), then go to the bottom – "System Tools", there will be several sub-menus: "Resrart»


and "Factory settings»

Factory settings

The latter should be used only in case of urgency, because after activating this option the router will have to be re-configured.

The fourth method which helps to eliminate errors of obtaining ІР address when connecting toWi-Fi on Аndroid isto check the settings of the DHCPserver. You can do this from the same device control menu, on the following way: «DHCP» – «DHCP Settings». In the «DHCP server» line the button should be in the «turn on» position

DHCP server

The fifth method is adjustment of services. To do this, please go to "Control Panel", enter "Services»

Control Panel

in the search box, then the «Browse local services" will appear in the table, where you have to find «DHCP client»

DHCP client

"works" shall be in the «status» bar, «automatically» in the "Startup type" bar.

So, the article haы considered the main solutions to the problems with the IP address on your Android devices. If none of the above methods help, then it is better to deliver the router, phone or tablet to a specialized workshop. Do not put off this: if the unit is still under warranty, it will be likely repaired free of charge.

Problem in Android obtaining IР address when connecting to Wi-Fi: Video

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