SMS over Wi-Fi on the AndroidIf you want to learn how to text using the Wi-Fi on your Android smartphone or tablet, then read this page. Just a few minutes – and you’ll see how quickly and easily you can save money on communication.


General Information

We will need the software freely available on the Google Play. It is impossible to solve our problem using the standard means of Android OS.

It is possible to distinguish two groups from a wide variety of programs for communicating over Wi-Fi:

  • applications that require access to the Internet;
  • programs working in the local network.

Applications with the Internet Access

Skype is one of the most famous apps. This program is absolutely free. Its features allow you not only to text, but also to make video calls. It has paid communication services, but the functions that we are interested in are available for free and are not limited in time.

As mentioned above, it is possible to download and install this service from Google Play. After installing you will have to create your account. If you already have a Skype account, you can simply log in.

Sign up in Skype

In this case, all the contacts from a computer version of the application will transfer to your Android automatically.

Subscribers, whom you want to text with, need to install Skype and log in too. If you are using the program for the first time, enter a nickname of the desired subscriber in the search box, and then add him to friends. To access the search bar, click the button of settings menu.

Add contact

Choice contact

Then simply choose the desired contact from the list and send him a message.

Write and send message

To communicate in such a way, both Android tablets have to be connected to the Internet. Skype must be running to receive instant messages.

Programs working in the local network

You can send messages via Wi-Fi on Android devices even without access to the Internet. As one of the services providing such an opportunity, we chose Wi-Fi Talkie Lite.

Like Skype, this software also allows to make calls (without video) and transfer files in addition to texting. However, these services are cut down in the free version. But the messages are sent without any problems.

Download the Wi-Fi Talkie Lite, install it. Then run it by clicking the shortcut on the desktop.

App shortcut

The interface is very simple – the user has access only to the “Devices” and “Chat”.


In the chat you can exchange messages with all members of the network. In the “Devices”, you are able to send SMS separately to the selected contact. Simply select the desired smartphone from the list and communicate.

Wi-Fi talkie

Tap & Hold opens the options menu, where, except for private messages, you can choose “Send files” and “Call”.

Hold menu

Remember that the second program requires connecting all the phones to the same access point (LAN). But the presence of the Internet is not required.

Now you know how to text over WI-FI on Android devices.

Free SMS over Wi-Fi on the Android : Video

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