In this article, you will be able to find out the program Teacher Aide Pro. It will be useful for the teachers and lecturers which want to manage the necessary information easily and always have it on hand.
About the App
First of all, let define the main terms and concepts, such as a teacher’s aide, or TA. Primarily it meant only a person who helped an educator to organize the work with pupils (giving instructions and supplementary attention). But what is a teaching assistant suggesting now?
Nowadays, TA can be not only a human, but also a computer program. And one of the best apps from the teaching assistant category is the Teacher Aide Pro. This program was created by an experienced educator to facilitate the routine work. Therefore, it considers all the lecturers’ needs and allows stopping writing large amounts of information on paper.
There is an opportunity to download the paid version of the app here. Also, there is a demo version of the program (it is free).
The Features of the App
Each student has its own information card, where you can find his/her name, names of hisher parents, their contact numbers, emails etc. If necessary, there is a possibility to share news or other kinds of data with pupils by sending it automatically to the phones or emails. If the information about the parents is already in your contacts, you can import it.
There is an opportunity to track the attendance of all the learners in this menu. Use several standard attendance icons:
- Present (P);
- Unexcused Absence (UA);
- Unexcused Tardy/Late (TU);
- Wellness (W);
- Excused Absence (AE).
However, the icons are completely customizable.
You can add up to 99 students to each class and track their activity, inform parents about the absence of their children.
In this menu of the teacher assistant program, you can set the type of homework/ classwork/ exam and create different assignments for the students. There is also The LATE/MISSING/ABSENT options for the learners that did not do the certain type of work. In the assignment options menu, you will see the option of sending emails or text messages with grades to all the students or parents.
The student progress report gives all necessary information about the attendance story, students’ and parents’ logs, bathroom visits (hide this fuction if you do not want to track it). In addition, you can see the list of different assignments by categories (tests, quizzes, homework etc.). You can print the report, email or send SMS to a learner or his/her parents.
The Teacher Aide Pro app also allows creating the seating chart. You can choose the template of the class and assign the seats randomly, alphabetically or in a particular order. After assigning the seats, you have the ability to print the screenshot or send it via email.
The teacher assistant apps can be very useful for modern lecturers that want to have more spare time and work productively. The described app provides many possibilities and helps lecturers to automatize the learning process and make the communication with students and parents easier.
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