Wi-FiEvery smartphone or tablet user, as well as those people who have a router, should know how to connect Android to Wi-Fi with a hidden SSID. SSID is the name of the router. Probably everyone has heard that you can hide your network in order to increase security. But how are we able to connect to it later? Everything is quite simple.

Any version of the operating system provides such an opportunity. The relevant parameters can be found in the wireless settings that we need to adjust. It is very easy. It is only important to know the sequence of actions and be very careful when entering data. So, how to find the hidden SSID Wi-Fi on Android?


How to connect the Android to a hidden network

Note that this feature significantly increases the level of security, since attackers will not be able to see the available connection. This means that there will not be any hacking attempts.

So, first of all it is necessary to know the name of the access point to connect the Android to hidden Wi-Fi. If this is your personal network, then there is no problem. In any case, even if you are in doubt, you can connect to the router with a cable, go to the menu and see its name, password and any other information.

We do need to know the following information, which has to be specified during manual configuration on Android:

  • The name of the router.
  • Security key (if it is set in the router parameters).
  • The data encryption type (if the connection is protected).

Not knowing this information, you cannot make a connection. So, let's analyze the process of connecting in details.

Connecting the Android device to a hidden access point

To get started, go to Wi-Fi settings on your smartphone. Turn on the wireless module. The system will search for access points.

Turn on Wi-Fi

But since our connection is hidden, SSID is not transmitted on Android. This means that the data must be entered manually. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Scroll through to the bottom of the list and click on “Add Wi-Fi”. In the first line “SSID of the network” you need to specify the name of the network. It should be exactly the same as the name that is indicated in the router configuration.

    Add new Wi-Fi network

    SSID of the network

  2. The second step is to choose the data encryption type. In "Security", select the type that is specified in the parameters of the router. Usually it is WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK, but there are other options. It is important to know exactly what type is set in the parameters of the access point.

    Encryption type and network password

  3. After you select the data encryption type, another line will appear. You have to enter the key there. Enter it and click "Connect".


Thereafter, the device will connect to the router. Note that the second and third points are only needed if the wireless connection is protected in the router parameters.

Sometimes, more detailed configuration is required. To do this, after entering the key check the box "Show advanced options". There will be two additional lines. In the “IP Parameters” instead of DHCP, select "Static". This will open the manual settings. In this case you will have to manually enter the IP-address and other information to connect to the router.

Manual settings

As you can see, everything is very simple. Even a newbie can cope with this task. It is important to be extremely careful when entering data to prevent errors, because even the smallest inaccuracy will nullify all the efforts.

Connecting the Android device to the network with a hidden SSID: Video

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